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Sie möchte, dass er geht, sie möchte, dass er bleibt.

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AUT/D 2021

Verleih und Vertrieb

The stations of a breakdown: the seaside, a winter landscape somewhere far up in the north, a hospital room. Kühn’s diary film is constructed from a series of snapshots and stolen moments of intimacy between a man and a woman, a relationship threatened by the hardships of mental illness, the fragility of love, and the desire to leave and the desire to stay. Is it the end or only the beginning? Delicately weaving in and out of different emotional registers, the camera itself becomes a kind of protective tool that simultaneously shields against the pain of living and opens up a space for selfreflection.
(David Perrin //Viennale)

AUT/ D 2021 ⎜13 min ⎜DCP ⎜ Farbe
Buch & Regie: Viki Kühn

Bildgestaltung: Nikolas Kuhl, Viki Kühn

Sounddesign: Rafael Vogel

Montage: Viki Kühn

World Sales/ Distribution: sixpackfilm
Weltpremiere: Viennale 2021

Gefördert von:
 MOIN Filmförderung

Filmfestival Max Ophüls Preis: 2024
Internationale Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen: 2022
Diagonale: 2022
Cinema Next: Digital Diaries 2022
Viennale 2021

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